Opublikowano Lipiec 5, 2015
The Polish alphabet
Polish has used the Latin alphabet since the Middle Ages. But it had to be adopted because of its rich inventory of sounds. About 45 phonemes had to be represented by 24-26 letters. At that time, letter combinations like sz and diacritic marks like ą were created.
It is said that Polish pronunciation is difficult, but it is not true 😉 Polish consonant system is similarly difficult as German or English, and vowels are even simpler. Moreover, Polish is homogenous and there is no big difference between pronunciation of educated people from different regions.
Polish has many international words for example: komputer, uniwersytet, hotel, jeans. You will find more about internationalisms in the next post, because now I want to present you polski alfabet, which is obviously the Polish Alphabet.
Letter | IPA | Example | Meaning | Comment |
A a | a | start | start | like English a in father |
Ą ą | ɔ̃ | są | they are | sounds similar to the vowel in French bon |
B b | b | banan | banana | like English b in boy |
C c | ʦ̑ | centrum | centre | like English ts in bats |
Ć ć | tɕ͡ | być | to be | sounds similar to ch in English cheap, but softer |
D d | d | dom | house | like English d in dog |
E e | ɛ | telefon | telephone | like English e in met |
Ę ę | ɛ̃ | język | language | sounds similar to the vowel in French vin |
F f | f | faks | fax | like English f in fax |
G g | g | gala | gala | like English g in gala |
H h | x | hotel | hotel | sounds similar to ch in English loch |
I i | i | imię | name | like English ee in see |
J j | j | jacht | yacht | like English y in yacht |
K k | k | kot | cat | like English k in kite |
L l | l | lekcja | lesson | like English l in last |
Ł ł | w | łazienka | bathroom | sounds similar to w in English wine |
M m | m | moment | moment | like English m in moment |
N n | n | numer | number | like English n in number |
Ń ń | ɲ | koń | horse | like English n in new or cognac |
O o | ɔ | organizacja | organisation | like English o in order |
Ó ó | u | ósmy | eighth | like English oo in pool |
P p | p | plan | plan | like English p in plan |
R r | r | rano | morning | like English r in red |
S s | s | system | system | like English s in system |
Ś ś | ɕ | środa | Wednesday | sounds similar to sh in English sheep, but softer |
T t | t | tekst | text | sounds similar to t in English text, but without aspiration |
U u | u | ulica | street | the same sound as ó, like English oo in pool |
W w | v | woda | water | like English v in van |
Y y | ɨ | syn | son | sounds similar to i in bit |
Z z | z | zebra | zebra | like English z in zebra |
Ź ź | ʑ | źle | badly | sounds similar to s in English Asia, but softer |
Ż ż | ʒ | żona | wife | sounds similar to s in vision |
Letter combinations | ||||
ch | x | chleb | bread | the same sound as h, sounds similar to ch in English loch |
ci | tɕ͡ | ciasto | cake | the same sound as ć, sounds similar to ch in English cheap, but softer |
cz | ʧ̑ | czas | time | sounds similar to ch in English chop, but harder |
dz | ʣ̑ | dzwon | bell | sounds similar to ds in English breads |
dzi | d͡ʑ | dziecko | child | sounds similar to j in English jeans, but softer |
dź | d͡ʑ | dźwięk | sound | the same sound as dzi, sounds similar to j in English jeans, but softer |
dż | ʤ̑ | dżentelmen | gentleman | sounds similar to g in English gentleman |
ni | ɲ | nie | no | the same sound as ń, like English n in new |
rz | ʒ | rzecz | thing | the same sound as ż, sounds similar to s in vision |
si | ɕ | siostra | sister | the same sound as ś, sounds similar to sh in English sheep but softer |
sz | ∫ | szafa | wardrobe | sounds similar to sh in English shop, but harder |
zi | ʑ | zima | winter | the same sound as ź, sounds similar to s in English Asia, but softer |